Wednesday, August 6, 2014

From the Eyes of a Deputy Auditor at Your Local County Government Office

From the Eyes of a Deputy Auditor at Your Local County Government Office
Your local county government office is built and standing for the benefits of anyone living within those county boundaries. Even if you are a person out of county but completing research the local county government building is a good place to start. Many government offices have information dating back to the 1800s. Property management, history, and helpful information on just about anything are just behind the doors of your local municipal government courthouse, building, or annex. Here are five useful tips to keep in mind when you would like to utilize the government that has been put in place for you:
1. Ever wonder who owns that abandoned house down the road? Many County Auditors' and Assessors' can tell you. In most States and most Counties if a person would come in with an intersection or address we can look up to see who the owner is of a particular piece of property. Owner's of properties are public information in most States and can be very useful at times.
2. If you would like a copy of your current or past mortgages, deeds, quitclaim deed, affidavit of survivorship, corporate warranty deed, special warranty deeds, DD214, living wills, wills misc. documents; try your local county recorder. In county offices we have many important documents recorded; this is a good place to start when you need historical information on a person or place.
3. Most States that have local municipal governments elect their government officials. If you are thinking about running for a local office and would like to know the rate of pay, head to your local county auditor's office. Most rates of pay for elected and non-elected county employment positions are public record.
4. Need the dimensions of your property? In many Assessor and Auditor offices we have a sky view of your property set with the dimensions as according to your deed document. Knowing your property boundaries could always come in handy one day.
5. Research in general; whether it is the history on a person or place many county government offices hold the answers. If you would like information on property, marriage, estates, child support, divorces, felons, misdemeanors, infractions, permits, emergency services, a good place to start is any one of your local municipal government offices. 

My Former Career in Child Support and Criminal Felony Law

My Former Career in Child Support and Criminal Felony Law
I will soon be starting a decade of employment working for my local municipal government. Well over half of those years were spent as a child support and criminal felony deputy.
Working for the court system begins with the election of your local municipal government offices. My family has a history holding the title of Clerk of Starke Circuit Court. It so happens I started in this office. This office is the record keeper for the Circuit Court and all cases within, including the beginning and destruction of all court documents. My job included the oversight of all documents when cases are created and throughout the life of the case. Court cases include, but are not limited to divorces, juvenile paternity, felony A, felony B, felony C, felony D, mortgage foreclosure, guardianships, adoptions, small claims, civil collections, and protective orders.
For example, in the State of Indiana, when you are experiencing certain life events that may require legal litigation, you either need to obtain an attorney to represent your interests in the court case, or represent yourself which is call Prose. The State of Indiana has provided their residents with forms for such life events on their website here.
Simple facts about court cases include the following:
1. The "Petitioner" is the person who has initiated the court case. The "Respondent" is the person or persons'
2. In Criminal Felony cases the Petitioner is usually always the State the crime was committed in, and the Respondent is the person the allegations are against, also called a Defendant. For example: State of Indiana vs. J. S.
3. Almost all cases require filing fees to be paid at some point. Many States have information on receiving legal aid help. Indiana's legal aid help is listed here.
4. When looking into information about child support calculation, many States have their own standard way they calculate exactly how much child support a parent may pay. Indiana's Child Support Calculator can be found here.

One interesting fact about being a Deputy, Clerk for the Circuit Court is that we issued marriage licenses. Once you received your official marriage license, you could take it to any persons' eligible to marry you in under those States standards. As Deputy's we could also perform marriages; I performed three in my career. 

Quick Tips for a Do-It-Yourself Oil Change

Quick Tips for a Do-It-Yourself Oil Change
Oil changes are often offered at a great price at your local automotive retail store. If you are just not ready to hand over your vehicle to a stranger to change the oil, a do-it-yourself oil change is an art that can be learned and mastered. Below you will find some quick tips to a successful and easy flowing oil change.
1. Car Jack- Unless you have a vehicle that sits far enough off of the ground you will most likely need a car jack. The car jack that comes with the vehicle is for emergency use only. It is not advised to attempt using this item to get under your vehicle. A floor jack model is recommended during oil changes. You will need to find the frame of your vehicle to place the jack; the frame is the main stability of the vehicle.
2. Oil Drain Pan- After removing the oil plug you will need something that oil can drain into. You will need a container that is five quarts or larger depending on the size of your vehicle. I have made many devices in my rein but this is something that your local automotive retail store should carry.
3. Oil Filter Wrench- This is an item that is inexpensive and handy to have in your possession while performing your oil change. While you are under the car working on twisting the old oil filter (left for loose on most vehicles) loose and are unable to get that first initial budge; having an oil filter wrench handy is something you will not regret. Many models and sizes are very inexpensive. I recommend the gear wrench model over the cap model.
4. New Oil Filter- An item to have in hand when your vehicle is done draining oil from the plug location and also the oil filter location. The new oil filter is a needed item in a successful oil change. Oil filters are made by several companies; you can spend a little to a lot on an oil filter. I personally get along best with the oil filters that have the build in grip on the filter itself. This is handy when tightening and loosening the oil filter during your do-it-yourself oil change.
5. Funnel and New Oil- Your car manual and local automotive store will help you find the products you need specifically build for your own vehicle model. The oil is a needed purchase for your oil change but the funnel is not. It does help the process flow a little easier but you could also cut the bottom off of a quart of oil bottle to use that as a funnel as well.

Your car manual as well has much information about the location and types of tools and resources needed for your vehicle. 

Women and Heart Disease, Are You at Risk?

Women and Heart Disease, Are You at Risk?
Heart Disease affects the most important muscle in our body. Women may experience different signs and symptoms than men. This article will expand on some of those signs and symptoms women need to be looking for in heart disease.
Classic Symptoms of Heart Disease in Women
1. Unusual fatigue
2. Shortness of breath during normal activities
3. Nausea
4. Dizziness
5. Lower chest discomfort
6. Upper abdominal pain
For both men and women, the most important muscle in our body is the heart. Among other things, this very important muscle allows us to live every minute of every day on this beautiful planet Earth. Men and women may have similar organs, tissues, and cells, but the way these living things function within our bodies can be much different. In fact, women tend to have proportionately smaller hearts with different time periods of experiencing signs and symptoms of heart disease (Goldberg, 2002). Next we will discuss the classic symptoms of heart attacks that women and men may experience, but also some symptoms that are more common in women than men.
Some classical signs and symptoms of heart disease discovered, treated, and researched throughout the years, especially in men, according to Goldberg (2002) include "pressure, fullness, squeezing pain in the center of the chest that could spread to the neck, shoulder, or jaw; a person could also experience chest discomfort with lightheadedness, fainting, sweating, nausea, or shortness of breath" (p.35).
Noting that doctors still refer to some of these symptoms as "atypical", Goldberg (2002) expresses that the following are classic signs and symptoms of heart disease in women "unusual fatigue, shortness of breath during normal daily activities, nausea, dizziness, lower chest discomfort, back pain, upper abdominal pressure or discomfort" (p.35).
The signs and symptoms you may experience in your lifetime that are related to heart disease do not necessarily increase with your age. It increases rather with your daily activities and lifestyle. Obesity, stress, elevated LDL "bad" cholesterol, high triglycerides, and high blood pressure are all factors that increases a persons risk for heart disease whether you are male or female. Female are also prone to hormonal changes before, during, and after menopause stages which also increases certain risk factors in women (Goldberg, 2002). The most important thing is that you go to a medical care provider that you feel comfortable with in taking care or any symptoms you may be experiencing. As always if you feel it is something serious, seek medical attention right away.
Goldberg, N., M.D., (2002) Women are not small men, life-saving strategies for preventing and healing heart disease in women. Ballantine Books: New York 

Parenting With Respect and Responsibility

Parenting With Respect and Responsibility
Then and Now Disciplinary Actions
Gone are the days of parenting when discipline was less about electronics and more about our interaction with other human beings. Many years ago when a child was disciplined, the parent had few options to choose from such as, spanking, grounded from outdoor activities, grounded to their bedroom (which did not hold a TV even back then), and writing sentences.
Today, there are so many different things that could be taken and adjusted during their discipline period, but is it enough? We ground our children from TV, gaming counsels, computer, tablet, and many more electronic devices our society currently has available to us. In many instances nowadays if you told them they were to be grounded from going outdoors to play or from playing with their friends in the neighborhood this would not faze them. How we have shaped our generations plays a big role in the decisions that are later made for our society all together.
Being a parent is a 24/7 job that will be forever evolving into new and better ways to administer the parenting style. The most effective style of parenting in the eyes of many mental health care professionals is the authoritative child rearing practice. In this practice parents are highly involved in their children's lives; their acceptance and involvement is warm, responsive, patient, and sensitive to a child's needs. Parents will also practice responsible demands and consistently enforces control and responsibility (Berk, 2010). We are humans, and by nature we make mistakes and wrong choices. Parenting is not something you are going to be 100% perfect at all the time. The important thing to remember when encountering different situations is to slow down and take that situation on step by step; this allows us to enforce authoritative parenting steps rather than making hast reactions.
It has been shown in longitudinal research studies that this parenting practice promotes maturity and adjustment throughout the child's life. Over time, the parent/child relationship that has been structured upon tends to drift in opposite directions. By being patient and using other attributes of this child rearing style can lead to a smoother transition in the parent/child relationship into adulthood (Berk, 2010).

Berk, L. (2010) Exploring Lifespan Development., (2nd ed.) Pearson Education, Boston, MA